The Chapter is a non-profit association with the official name "Royal Chapter of Industrial Economics", which is often abbreviated as I-Chapter. The purpose of the Chapter is to promote the studies of I-students and all student life related to these studies. In other words, the I-Chapter is a group of students with the common interest to make their time studying Industrial Economics at KTH the best years of their lives!
The exercise and concentration of common interests is mainly done through committees that run different activities within the section. Two examples are iFokus - a board for members who like photography, and Clubmästeriet (CMi) - a board for people who like organising pubs and parties. All our committees can be found under the "Committees" tab on the menu above. As a member of the I-Chapter, you can apply for committees and hopefully get involved. Many activities and events take place within committees and so anyone interested is encouraged to apply for committees that they think sound exciting! However, there are also open events that all members can attend that various committees organise. To attend open events such as events within committees, you must be a valid member of THS.
The I-Chapter is part of THS (Technical University Student Union) which helps to coordinate all sections and associations at KTH. As part of THS, we benefit from common resources such as financial contributions and booking of rooms at a favourable price (in Nymble).
A section member is a person studying Industrial Economics at KTH who has a valid membership in THS (i.e. has paid his/her membership fee for a given academic year). Members of our section are referred to as I-ers.
Chapter committees and members may use the Chapter's common resources to run their activities. The resources are material as well as financial. Our material resources consist mainly of: the Chapter premises, the Istället. Abbreviated to Issy. All the property in the Istället and the storerooms in the premises. The section car, now called Ivan.
As an association, the I-Chapter has Bylaws that govern how the Chapter's activities are to be conducted. In addition to the Bylaws this Chapter also has a Regulations and Policies document that determines in greater detail how the Chapter, the Committees, and the Board will operate. For additional information, it is recommended that you review the Bylaws and Regulations, which can be found under the "File Archives" tab in the menu above.
The Chapter Meeting, usually abbreviated as SM, is the highest decision-making body of the I-Chapter. Changes to the Statutes and Regulations, decisions on the future of the Chapter, and so on, are decided by the SM. All Chapter members have the right to attend the SM and influence what is discussed. This is mainly done through Motions. A motion is a request for the Chapter to do something or to change the Statutes and Regulations which in turn changes the Chapter's activities. Under the tab "File archive" in the menu above you will find a template for a motion. For questions and assistance on how to submit a motion, please contact the Vice President at
The Board of Directors is the Chapter's executive body and works both strategically and operationally. The Board executes the decisions made by the SM, but also works to improve the Chapter with its own projects. The operational work consists mainly of coordinating the Chapter's resources among its committees. A description of what each Board member is responsible for can be found in the Regulations.
Niki Shahidi
Adrian Troedsson